Alaa is a British citizen who is wrongfully imprisoned in Egypt under trumped up charges. He is a writer, software developer, award-winning human rights blogger, and father to a twelve-year-old son. He is an Amnesty Prisoner of Conscience and has been targeted repeatedly by the Egyptian regime for speaking up against their crimes.

Alaa has been imprisoned for almost the whole of the last decade for his writings on democracy, and has been subjected to torture and inhumane treatment. In 2022 he went on on a seven month hunger strike leading up to COP27 held in Egypt that year, and came dangerously close to death. The UK government has repeatedly pledged to secure his release, but he remains in prison.

On September 29th Alaa will have completed five years in prison since his last arrest -the full length of his sentence after a manifestly illegitimate trial that lacked even the most basic markers of justice. His family fear that the Egyptian government do not intend to release him.

Enough is enough - Alaa must be free and reunited with his young son, Khaled, who lives in Brighton.

Please write to your MP now, using the form on this page, to urge Foreign Secretary David Lammy to secure Alaa’s release.